-more video resources for you
Have you given up learning to free motion feathers?
Here is a resource for beginners and competent beginners
with long arms at home who want to learn.
In the quiet of winter is now a bad time to learn feathers?
Use our beginner-friendly instruction right at your own machine and find your machine quilting dreams come true. Our free motion course includes:
Feather patterns and layout designs instruction.
Step-by-baby-step exercises to improve your skills.
Make your first perfect feather in 5 minutes using our easy "wiggle room" technique.
Smooth out your feathers and learn to embellish for greater density.
Get the same detailed instruction and plus extra bonuses as thousands of machine quilters receive at shows and
Just going through Sally's Free Motion Feathers with Wiggle Room Course, you will be able to make up feathers designs as you go.
6-Step Guide To Grow Your Machine Quilting Business
~ 3 Hour Online 24/7 Course

The hard part is over, you made a great decision to Professionally Machine Quilt for others. Wondering how do you find customers and how they will find you?
Now you don't have to do it alone.
Get 6 Solid Steps to build your business. Includes pricing and how to deal with your competition from one who is celebrating 22 Years of Profession Machine Quilting Services. Get lots of ways to avoid pricey mistakes. And to help you, we cover everything from your low-budget marketing, to what makes your customer happily buy at your pricing again and again.
for more information about the class click here >>
How to Name Your Products and Services click here >>