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How To Get Crisp Points When Stitching-in-the-Ditch Around Points

Sally Terry

How To Stitch-in-the-Ditch with crisp points by Sally Terry

Want to get crisp points when stitching-in-the-Ditch around points?

Stitch beyond the point by one or two stitches. That will give you enough of an angle to stitch down the adjacent side and get a crisp point without rounding or squaring off your corner turn.

When should you Stitch-in-the-Ditch?

Of course SID (Stitch-in-the-Ditch) is a lost art, but if the piecing is spectacular you may want to SID the brilliant piecing instead of just stitching over it.

Use a straight-edge ruler to guide your hopping foot or a Stitch-in-the-Ditch foot for straight thread paths.

Your customers will love you for it and so will the judges!

Hope that helps!

Quilt Happy, Sally




I love helping machine quilters, especially beginners, with creative patterns, techniques, and classes they love. All our designs come with "wiggle room" so you never have to be perfect.


Have been happily sewing since the age of 3, as soon as my grandmother could show me how hold a sewing needle in my hand. Sally Terry Designs and The Quilter's Hand Professional Machine quilting business began in 1999. Quilt Happy Always, Sally

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 (C)1999-2024 All Text and Sally Terry(R)  LLC Brand Products and Images (we've been in business 25 years)
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